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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Forgotten Garden

My latest project is to bring my garden back to a life that is useful to me. It may take me all this year to do it. It's a good size for a suburban garden, I would go so far as to say it is close to standard UK allotment size.
As a garden lover, I hear other garden owners asking why have you got to bring it back to useful life? The answer is simple, we moved in about 5yrs ago and my health took a huge nose dive just over 3yrs ago. My garden had to be abandoned as I could only move from bed to chair, to toilet, to sofa and back again. I didn't sit up straight for 18mnths. Then in Jan 2012 I had a massive operation to sort the worst if the issue out (Details in "Urinary bypass surgery) I then spent most of last year regaining strength and stamina.
This spring I went into my garden for the 1st time since becoming poorly. I found a cat trail-way and followed it to  a point near the centre of my ground. The whole area had 3+yrs of wild bramble reaching waist high: I stood there and sobbed. For some reason I thought there would be a bit of weeding to do, and back to a fruitful garden. how deluded I was. Since then I have been doing approximately 3hrs a week in hourly stretches, and I now
Flowers appear where brambles are cleared
have some clear garden; but due to my disabilities I cannot plant, and continue clearing at the same time. I don't have the legs for it, and My plan is for a wheelchair garden. I have cleared nearly half now and have some spots for cats to sunbath in, even a few flowers are now visible.
I still have the top picture to clear; but am heartened by my efforts so far.
I am going to try straw bale gardening, something I have just discovered and would be ideal for my wheelchair. I have most of what I need to set the garden up once its clear including a poly tunnel. I may be able to grow winter salads if I am done in time. 
One of my furry friends Keeping me company
A shredder has proved a great investment as it is chopping the brambles down, so the become a mulch to prevent weeds until I can use the ground.

I have a new cherry tree that I am hoping to train sideways along a path, in hope that I can save some cherries from the birds.

Due to my disabilities this task is taking months to achieve; but once I get there I can say "I did it"

I will be posting on this again when I get to the next stage

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