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Thursday, 23 June 2011

Operation Ahead

I am on the count down to what I hope is the last operation I have to have.
My Bladder has never been my best friend. All through my childhood I was a bed wetter, and during my adult life it has caused progressive problems for me. Now it has to be bypassed. There is a possibility it may have to be removed too.
Hopefully this will be the last time I have to have invasive treatment because of an abusive kick to my sacrum when I was 14. Only my bowel will be left in the pelvis, and the nerve feed to that isn't very good; but I am hoping it won't destabilize any further.
I am trying to maintain upper body strength; but even that is difficult when every twist and bend involves the pelvic muscles and cause the bladder to spasm which in turn makes it impossible to move any more without massive doses of anti-spasmodics. Relieving the pain leaves me so dopey I have trouble achieving anything.  I have been trying to get my bladder sorted for a year; but unfortunately got referred to a Dr/consultant who felt she knew my body better than me. I have had to refuse to see her again to get some action.
There must be something about me that makes me seem like a liar, as I have had to change Dr's several times in various areas of the country, before I can get at the truth. 
Too many Dr's are unwilling to acknowledge a person was abused as a child once they have become an adult. They have no idea of the amount of pain a person will endure to hide the abuse, and how many years it may be before they can reveal it.

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