L3 had a hairline fracture. L4/5 has a retrolithsesis ( Wikipedia = Retrolistheses are caused by injury and resulting instability of the connecting soft tissues especially ligaments, discs, muscles, tendons and fascia.) All major nerves from L3 down spent 35yrs at least partially pinched before surgery released them. The scarring on the impinged nerves is visible to the naked eye according to the surgeon who did the work. He also said that on some nerves there was so much scarring, that there is little neuro-pathway left. He advised me to never do a full body stretch again; because as I age that pathway could break. He was amazed at that time that I could still stand let alone walk even my short distances.
That operation was just over 10yrs ago. Some time a couple of years ago I awoke to a loud internal popping noise. As I came to awareness I realised I was in that dreaded full body stretch. My hands were up the headboard pulling, and my legs were pressed on the foot of the bed. I'm barely 5'4" so it was a good stretch. I thought I'd got away with it when I got out of bed that day; although I knew I'd inflamed the nerves as the pain built through the day. The nerves feeding the legs became excessively painful, and every step has been like walking on broken glass.
Jamaican Dogwood at 5-8 drops a night has been the only thing I have found to keep putting my feet on the floor each day. Every time I leave it off for a few days that awful sensation comes back.
Last winter the same thing happened again: I woke in a full body stretch and that loud internal pop woke me up. My left leg has through this year lost about half of it's lateral muscle mass, and my right leg has started with the deterioration path my left leg took before the wasting.
I was using a manual wheelchair to get about outside; but now have to use an electric one as any pushing my chair up any incline put enough pressure on my lower back to cause the inflammation to rise.
Why am I telling you this now? Well child abuse has been in the forefront this year in the UK; but only sexual abuse. It has felt to me like physical and mental/emotional abuse no longer exist, as sexual child abuse is now referred to as plain "child abuse".
Any abuse of any child, of any nature has lifetime effects! I am passing my 60th year soon and still have things affect me. I was in my early 30's when someone finally believed I had been abused, and I was offered counselling. That was weird in the extreme for me. It was like I left my body and someone else was telling the story. I felt no emotions, it was just a list of facts that had happened to me.

In the short term it was a release to have told; but nothing more. My fears, presumptions of people in authority etc. remained in place. Age 49 I had the operation that revealed all, and I felt vindicated. I could no longer be called a liar, a hypochondriac, a drama queen: yet the fears persisted, as did trigger words that would put me in ultra defensive mode.
In my early 50's I got some specialised psychotherapy; which was mind blowing. Two thirds of the way through I had to take a break for a few weeks because I no longer knew what motivated me. My entire life had been based on anger, and suddenly it was gone: I'd done everything up to then to prove the proverbial "them" wrong. I had to learn I could do just because I wanted to, not to prove anything.

Please remember, child sex abuse is not the only child abuse that goes on, and we the physically and emotionally/psychologically abused, also have a lifetime of dealing with the past ahead. Never knowing when it will have an affect on us again, or what could trigger that affect. I am not in any way down playing sexual abuse. I can't imagine what that must be like; but I do know about the effects of the other types.
Children Matter. Below is a link to my story