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Sunday, 21 June 2015



Wired around the waist while still a pup the wire has ingrown and infected

Romania is a member of the EU as is Spain both have hight animal cruelty and neglect levels; But Romania takes the prize. Dog squads are paid a bounty per dog caught Dead or Alive. Several are murdered during capture. The catch pole slowly strangles them while they are being moved from point of capture to a cage. They are lifted on the end of the catchpole until the back legs clear the top of the container cage and unceremoniously dropped on any other dogs in the cage: dead or alive. 
These dogs are then delivered to "Public Shelters" where they receive little food, and dominant dogs fight quieter dogs for it. The injured dogs are not attended in any way and many die in the pen. Dog catchers will get quieter dogs released for recapture to up their income. 
Gypsy children have so little respect for dogs they use puppies as footballs.
At intervals Shelters have a kill day. On these days the dogs can be heard screaming in pain and fear.

Pet dogs are not safe either as the dog catchers will illegally seize them too if they haven't reached their desired total. A Private Shelter that does care about the dogs has also been raided illegally, and dogs with passports, waiting for transport out of the country killed in the seizing. Police just watched and controlled the angry volunteers while it went on, so there must be corruption as well.
Only open support from foreign countries offers private shelters any protection!
I support a shelter that is currently built of whatever materials can be found and is on rented land. The supporters are raising funds to buy land and build a more secure shelter for the animals the shelter. All people working at these private shelters do it voluntarily, as do the people who raise funds from abroad, so every penny raised goes direct to the support of the animals and finding them a way out of Romania.
The only safe Romanian dog is an ex Romanian dog! 
I am the proud adopter of one dog and a cat who is soon to join my not so small cat congregation. 

My safe Ex Romanian dog

If this blog has touched your heart in anyway please find a private shelter to support. This is the one I support.